Thursday, May 3, 2012

Vote for Madeline Arzbecker

Author's Note: This is my Student Senate Treasure/Secretary Application. I decided to post this to my blog so more people could read what I had to offer and why I want this position.  

Leadership is something that we all need, whether we know it or not. Though we cherish our independence, we still need someone to look up to and help us in the right direction. Whether it is the President of the United States or our own principle, we are constantly surrounded by leaders that benefit our everyday lives. I want to help PHS by becoming a leader myself though being the Treasure/Secretary of Student Senate.

Every since I came to the Pewaukee School District in fifth grade, I have been part of Student Council. In Horizon I was elected as class representative in both fifth and sixth grade. During those years Student Council helped organize fundraisers that benefited both the community and Horizon Elementary. It also helped me to personally develop better speaking skills because I had to deliver information from the meetings to my class.

In seventh grade, I joined the Asa Clark Student Council and helped the school through running concessions, working dances, and organizing fundraisers. This past year I was elected Treasurer of the Asa Clark Student Council and I’ve had to keep track of the council’s money and each members points. In addition to that I’ve had to speak in all the assemblies as part of the Student Council officers. To help prepare me for my role as Treasure, I attended the WASC Leadership Camp over the summer. It was a week long camp that helped Student Council members like me develop better leadership skills. There I equipped with the knowledge of how to do my best as Treasurer. In addition to that, I am part of the leadership team at my church.

I think I would benefit the Student Senate as Secretary/Treasurer because I already have the experience of being Treasurer. Furthermore, I’m organized and have good math skills for keeping track of money. I would love the opportunity to help make PHS an overall better environment for its students and staff.

I believe that everyone needs leaders to guide them in the right direction and to help them in difficult times. Instead of just waiting for someone to step up, I want to be the one who has the courage to take on this job. I believe that if I am a part of Student Senate I could help fulfill the need for leadership in our community. I don’t want to just be a follower; I want to be a leader. I believe that Student Senate will help me on my journey as a leader.

“Leadership is action, not position” This quote should be the standard for all councils because it says that even if you have a position as a leader, you are not simply leader; you need to be a servant leader. This means that you are not just the one the initiating ideas, you need to be the one who goes out into the community and meets its needs. You can only be a servant leader by forgetting about yourself and serving others. A way I could take “action” as part of Student Senate is by organizing an event where students from PHS participate in acts of random kindness (ARK). This would be meet the community’s needs and raise money at the same time. The students doing the ARKs would have to ask their families and friends to pledge a certain amount of money per ARK.  For one week, every day after school, the students would be able to go into the community in groups and do things such as bag groceries, make lunches for the homeless shelter, rake or mow elderly citizen’s lawns, and help serve at nursing homes. Each act would be recorded and send out to the sponsors. The money raised could either sponsor the Student Senate directly or an organization of the Student Senates choice. By raising awareness of the needs in our community and directly helping them, this event would let not just the Student Senate take action and be servant leaders, but it would let the students of PHS be servant leaders, too.

I don’t want to just have the title as Secretary/Treasurer; I want be a leader who takes action in PHS. Through being a part of Student Senate, I can get the opportunities to fulfill this. Thank you for considering me as your ninth grade Secretary/Treasurer, and remember that leadership is more than just a position.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done. This is the sort of writing that students need to be able to do when the apply to acceptance at university. The composition is well constructed, and if I could vote, you'd have mine!
